Fiona Kelly

Fiona Kelly

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Fiona Kelly
Graphic & Visual arts, Performance, and Writing, Narrative, Poetry

I have chosen the wide world of Performance to create stories. Mixing realities, times, legends, illusions and global questions, I use different artistic tools to „tell stories“. I work especially in open, public areas or nature, to confront people unexpectedly and tear up the strong tights of the human mind. The state of being always open for The Unexpected is the key to the labyrinth of the untamed rhythmic structures of my „story lines“. My work is very symbolical. Interpreting and RE-interpreting materials we are brought up with, as well as looking for those that are kept hidden from us, my focus lies on the images we have created of female characters and the presence of water (in its different apparitions). My work is process-based. I perform and elaborate my intentions together with my human and more-than-human surroundings. I love to discover the endlessly different perspectives and ways to read and listen to The Other and to do this WITH OtherS.

June 24, 2021
Janhavi Sharma
June 24, 2021
Maria Sideri