Author: marta

Room to Bloom programme Ecofeminism & Postcolonial Feminism This Spring 2021, Room to Bloom launches its platform with an open call for applications addressing young artists with a feminist, ecological and/or postcolonial art practice. Through this call, the platform will collectively select a group of 100 emerging feminist artists to participate in a mix of trainings, workshops and talks throughout the year. All the selected participants will be presented in our online index of artists that will be available on this website and distributed among international cultural institutions. Selected

Room to Bloom kicks off launching an open call for feminist artists working in the field of ecological and postcolonial feminism. This Spring 2021, Room to Bloom launches its platform with an open call for applications addressing young feminist artists. Through this call, the platform will collectively select a group of 100 emerging feminist artists to participate in a mix of trainings, workshops and talks throughout the year. All the selected participants will be presented in an international index available in this website and disseminated among